
Research and Educational Publications from Shoals Marine Laboratory

This list includes publications based on work conducted at the Isles of Shoals using facilities and vessels of Shoal Marine Laboratory. This list is ordered by publication year, then alphabetically by last name. Some publications include SML contribution numbers in their acknowledgments. Contribution numbers will be assigned after a paper is accepted for publication. To obtain an SML contribution number, email [email protected].  In addition, the UNH library houses special Isles of Shoals and marine laboratory collections.

Asterisks (*) denote an author who was an REU, RIFS, or other undergraduate researcher at SML.

Scroll to bottom for Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. theses conducted at Shoals Marine Laboratory.

Horton, K. G., Morris, S. R., Van Doren, B. M., & Covino, K. M. 2023. Six decades of North American bird banding records reveal plasticity in migration phenology. Journal of Animal Ecology.

Legett, H. D., Lucas, J. R., Craig, E. C., & Staudinger, M. D. 2023. Variation in isotopic niche partitioning between adult roseate and common terns in the Northwest Atlantic. Endangered Species Research50, 235-247. doi:10.3354/esr01233

Smith, O.*, & Craig, E. 2023. Effects of Atlantic butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus) in diets of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo): a case study of climate change effects in the Gulf of Maine. Avian Conservation and Ecology18(2). doi:10.5751/ace-02440-180201. (SML contribution 194)

Caldwell, A.*, Brander, S., Wiedenmann, J., Clucas, G., & Craig, E. 2022. Incidence of microplastic fiber ingestion by Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) and Roseate Terns (S. dougallii) breeding in the Northwestern Atlantic. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN177. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113560. (SML contribution 196)

Craig, E. C., Moore, G. E., & Seavey, J. R.  2022 . Hypersaline spray increases habitat heterogeneity and nesting density in an island-nesting seabird. WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN46(3). doi:10.1002/wsb.1301. (SML contribution 191)

Krestoff ES, Creecy JP, Lord WD,Haynie ML, Coyer JA and Sampson K. 2021. Mitochondrial DNA Evaluation and Species Identification of Kemp’sRidley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelyskempii) Bones After a 3-YearExposure to Submerged Marine and Terrestrial Environments.Front. Mar. Sci. 8:646455.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.646455

Ohrenberger, J.* A., Bolker, J. A., & Farina, S. C. 2020. Observation of Abundant Larval Arctic Shanny (Stichaeus punctatus) in the Western North Atlantic, Found in the Waters of the Isles of Shoals, Maine, USA. Copeia108(1), 163-165.

Caldwell, A.*, J. Seavey, E. Craig. 2019. Foraging strategy impacts plastic ingestion risk in seabirds. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 5, 2020, 163-168. doi:10.1002/lol2.10126. (SML contribution 188)

Jacobson, S. K., Seavey, J., Goodman, J., Nichols, O. C., Williams, L. C., Márquez‐García, M., and O. Barbosa. 2019. Integrating Entrepreneurship and Art to Improve Creative Problem Solving in Fisheries Education. Fisheries.

Roberts, L. and ML Laidre. 2019. Finding a home in the noise: cross-modal impact of anthropogenic vibration on animal search behavior. Biology Open 9, 041988. doi: 10.1242/bio.041988.

Clausnitzer Jr, A.R. 2018. The Seventeenth-Century English Cod Fisheries of Newfoundland and New England, circa 1600-1713: An Archaeological and Historical Comparison.

Mcmanus, G. B., W. Liu, R. A. Cole, D. Biemesderfer, and J. L. Mydosh. 2018. Strombidium rassoulzadegani: A Model Species for Chloroplast Retention in Oligotrich Ciliates. Frontiers in Mar. Sci. 5.

O'Brien, B.*, K. Mello*, A. Litterer*, and J. Dijkstra. 2018. Seaweed structure shapes trophic interactions: A case study using a mid-trophic level fish species. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 506: 1-8.

Witynski, M.L.* and D.N. Bonter. 2017. Crosswise migration by Yellow Warblers, Nearctic‐Neotropical passerine migrants. J Field Ornithol. 89(1):37-46.

Dijkstra, J.A., L.G. Harris, K. Mello*,  A. Litterer*, C. Wells, and C. Ware. 2017. Invasive seaweeds transform habitat structure and increase biodiversity of associated species. J Ecol. 105(6)1668-1678.

Bressman N.R.*, S.C. Farina, and A.C. Gibb. 2016. Look before you leap: Visual navigation and terrestrial locomotion of the intertidal killifish Fundulus heteroclitus. J. Exp. Zool. 325A:57–64.

Byers, J.E., Z.C. Holmes and A.M.H. Blakeslee. 2016.  Consistency of trematode infection prevalence in host populations across large spatial and temporal scales.  EcologyEcology  97.7 (2016): 1643-1649. (SML Contribution 185)

Crisologo, T.L.* and D.N. Bonter. 2016. Defending the Weak: Parental Defense Peaks When Chick Vulnerability is Greatest in the Herring Gull (Larus argentatus). Ethology 123.2:113-122. (SML Contribution 183)

Farina, S.C. and W.E. Bemis. 2016. Functional morphology of gill ventilation of the goosefish, Lophius americanus (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae). Zoology. Available online 24 February 2016, ISSN 0944-2006,

Jacobson, S., Seavey, J., and R. Mueller. 2016. Integrated science and art education for creative climate change communicationEcol. and Soc. 21(3):30.

Leigh, K.L.*, Sparks, J.P., and W.E. Bemis. 2016. Food Preferences of Atlantic Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa, Assessed by Experimental Baiting of TrapsCopeia 104(3):623-627.

Sirianni, K.M.* 2016. Differential wind dispersal of cladoceran ephippia in a rock pool metacommunityAq. Ecol 51.2:203-218.

Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2016. Long-term Bat Monitoring on Islands, Offshore Structures, and Coastal Sites in the Gulf of Maine, mid-Atlantic, and Great Lakes—Final Report.

Blakeslee, A.M.H., C.L. Keogh, A.E. Fowler, and B.D. Griffen. Assessing the Effects of Trematode Infection on Invasive Green Crabs in Eastern North AmericaPLoS ONE 10.6:e0128674. (SML Contribution 181)

Bonter, D.N., Moglia, M.C.*, and L.E. DeFisher*. 2015. Sons don’t take advantage of a head start: Parity in offspring sex ratios despite greater initial investment in males. J. Avian Biol. 46:1-8. (SML Contribution 177)

Gough, W.T., Farina, S.C., and F.E. Fish. 2015. Aquatic burst locomotion by hydroplaning and paddling in common eiders (Somateria mollissima). J. Exp. Biol. 218:1632-1638; doi: 10.1242/jeb.114140.

Keogh, C.L., Sanderson, M.E.*, and J.E. Byers. 2016. Local adaptation to parasite selective pressure: comparing three congeneric co-occurring hostsOecologia. 180:137-147. (SML Contribution 171)

Moisander, P.H., Sexton A.D., and M.C. Daley. 2015. Stable associations masked by temporal variability in the marine copepod microbiome. PLoS ONE 10: e0138967. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138967. (SML Contribution 184)

Covino, K.M., 2015. Determination of sex using morphometrics in the northern waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis) and Swainson’s thrush (Catharus ustulatus)Wilson J. Ornithol. 127:706-711. (SML Contribution 180)

Covino, K.M, Morris, S.R., and F.R. Moore. 2015. Patterns of testosterone in three Nearctic–Neotropical migratory songbirds during spring passageGen. Compar. Endro. 224:186-193. (SML Contribution 182)

Shah, S.S*., E.I. Greig, S.A. MacLean*, and D.N. Bonter. 2015. Risk-based alarm calling in a nonpasserine birdAnim. Behav. 106:129-136. (SML Contribution 166)

Bonter, D.N., S.A. MacLean*, S.S. Shah*, and M.C. Moglia*. 2014. Storm induced shifts in optimal nesting sites: A potential effect of climate changeJ. Ornithol. 155: 631-638.  (SML Contribution 167)

Ellis, J.C., S.M. Bogdanowicz, M.C. Stoddard, and L.W. Clark. 2014. Hybridization of a lesser black-backed gull and herring gulls in eastern North AmericaWilson J. Ornithol. 126: 338-345. (SML Contribution 168)

Garrett, J.N. and F.E. Fish. 2014. Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in harbor seals and gray seals: Importance of spinal flexion by amphibious phocids. Mar. Mammal Sci. 32:  459-478.  DOI: 10.111/mms.2170

Mychajliw*, A.M. and R.G. Harrison. 2014. Genetics reveal the origin and timing of a cryptic insular introduction of muskrats in North America.  PLoS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111856

Dijkstra, J.A., W.J. Lambert, L.G. Harris. 2013. Introduced species provide a novel temporal resource that facilitates native predator population growthBio. Invasions. 15:911-919.

DeFisher*, L.E. and D.N. Bonter. 2013. Effects of invasive European fire ants (Myrmica rubra) on Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) reproduction. PLoS ONE 8(5):e64185. (SML Contribution 163)

Dorais, M.J. 2013. The Appledore Island Diorite of the Rye Complex, Coastal New Hampshire and Maine: Determining the Identity of an Enigmatic Terrane. Abstr. with Programs 45: 107.

MacLean*, S.A. and D.N. Bonter. 2013.  The sound of danger: threat sensitivity to predator vocalizations, alarm calls, and novelty in gullsPLoS ONE. 8(12): e82384. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0082384. (SML Contribution 166)

Simonis, J.L. 2013. Predator ontogeny determines trophic cascade strength in freshwater rock pools. Ecosphere 4: art62. (SML Contribution 165)

Brown, JM, NR Felice, NB Scalfone, and I Hewson. 2012. Influence of habitat confluence on aquatic microbial assemblages in experimental mesocosms. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 66: 33-40.  (SML Contribution 160)

Ellis, J.C., K.E. Allen, M.S. Rome and M.J. Shulman. 2012. Choosing among mobile prey species:  Why do gulls prefer a rare subtidal crab over a highly abundant intertidal one? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 416-417: 84-91. (SML Contribution 158)

Seeley, R.H. and W.H. Schlesinger. 2012. Sustainable seaweed cutting? The rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) industry of Maine and the Maritime provincesAnn. NY Acad. Sci. 1249: 84-103.

Seeley, T.D., P. K. Visscher, T. Schlegel, P. M. Hogan, N. R. Franks and J. A. R. Marshall. 2012. Stop signals provide cross inhibition in collective decision-making by honeybee swarms. Science. 335: 108-111.

Simonis, J.L., D. Neuharth-Keusch*, and I. Hewson. 2012. Aquatic bacterial assemblage variability in the supra littoral zone of Appledore Island, Gulf of Maine. FEMS Microb. Ecol. 80: 501-508.

Suomala, R.W., S.R. Morris, and K.J. Babbitt. 2012. Comparison of migrant songbird stopover ecology on two islands in the Gulf of Maine. Wilson J. Ornithol. 124:217-229. (SML Contribution 154)

Dijkstra, J.A., R. Nolan. 2011. Potential of the invasive colonial ascidian, Didemnum vexillum, to limit the escape response of the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus. Aquatic Invasions. 6(4): 451-456.

Elias, S.P., R. P. Smith, S.R. Morris, P.W. Rand, C. Lubelczyk and E.H. Lacombe. 2011. Density of Ixodes scapularis ticks on Monhegan Island after complete deer removal: A question of avian importation?  J. Vector Ecol.  36: 11-23, doi: 10.1111/j.1948-7134.2011.00136.x. (SML Contribution 155)

Hewson, I., J.M. Brown, S.A. Gitlin and D.F. Doud.  2011. Nucleopolyhedrovirus detection and distribution in terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats of Appledore Island, Gulf of MaineMicrob. Ecol. 62: 48-57, doi: 10.1007/s00248-9856-1. (SML Contribution 156)

Martiny, A.C., J.B.H. Martiny, C. Weihe, A. Field and J.C. Ellis. 2011. Functional metagenomics reveals previously unrecognized diversity of antibiotic resistance genes in gullsFront. Microbiol. 2: doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2011.00238.

Savoca*, M.S., D.N. Bonter, B. Zuckerberg, J.L. Dickinson, and J.C. Ellis. 2011. Nesting density is an important factor affecting chick growth and survival in the herring gullThe Condor 113: 565-571. (SML Contribution 157)

Rangel, J., S.R. Griffin, and T.D. Seeley. 2010.  An oligarchy of nest-site scouts triggers a honeybee swarm’s departure from the hive.  Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.  66: 979-987.

Rangel, J., S.R. Griffin, and T.D. Seeley. 2010.  Nest-site defense by competing honey bee swarms during house-hunting.  Ethology 116: 608-618.

Mulder, C.P.H. and J.C. Ellis. 2010. Seabird Island Ecology. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. Doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0022557.

Seeley, T.D.  2010.  Honeybee Democracy.  Princeton, N.J.  Princeton Univ. Press.

Suomala, R.W., S.R. Morris, K.J. Babbitt, and T.D. Lee. 2010. Migrant songbird species distribution and habitat use during stopover on two islands in the Gulf of MaineWilson J. Ornithol. 122:725-737.  (SML Contribution 153)

Blakeslee, A., C. Keogh, J. Byers, A. Kuris, K. Lafferty, and M. Torchin. 2009. Differential escape from parasites by two competing introduced crabsMar. Ecol. Progress Series 393:83–96.

Dantzker, M. and D.O. Brown. 2009. Signals for Survival (High-definition video). Sinauer, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 38 minutes.

List, C., C. Elsholtz, and T.D. Seeley.  2009.  Independence and interdependence in collective decision making:  an agent-based model of nest-site choice by honeybee swarms Philos. T. R. Soc. Lon. B 364: 755-762.

Freeman, A., J. Meszaros*, and J.E. Byers. 2009. Poor phenotypic integration of blue mussel inducible defenses in multiple predator environmentsOikos 118: 758-766.

Perez, K.O., R.L. Carlson, M.J. Shulman, J.C. Ellis. 2009. Why are intertidal snails rare in the subtidal? Predation, growth and the vertical distribution of Littorina littorea (L.) in the Gulf of MaineJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 369: 79-86.

Blakeslee*, A. and J.E. Byers. 2008. Using parasites to inform ecological history: comparisons among three congeneric marine snailsEcology 89: 1068-1078.

Blakeslee*, A., J.E. Byers, M.P. Lesser. 2008. Solving cryptogenic histories using host and parasite molecular genetics: the resolution of Littorina littorea's North American originMol. Ecol. 17: 3684-3696.

Bogomolni, A., R. Gast, J.C. Ellis, M. Dennett, K. Pugliares, B. Lentell, M. Moore. 2008. Victims or vectors: a survey of vertebrate zoonoses from coastal waters of the Northwest AtlanticDis. Aquat. Organ. 81: 13-38.

Byers, J.E., A. Blakeslee*, E. Linder, A. Cooper, and T. Maguire*. 2008. Controls of spatial variation in the prevalence of trematode parasites infecting a marine snailEcology 89: 439-451.

Ellis, J.C., M.C. Stoddard*, and L.W. Clark.  2008. Breeding by a Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) on the Atlantic coast of North America. N. Am. Birds. 61: 546-548. (SML Contribution  144)

Griffen, B.D. and T. Williamson.  2008. Influence of predator density on nonindependent effects of multiple predator speciesOecologia. 155: 151-159.

Nichols, W.F. and V.C. Nichols. 2008. The land use history, flora, and natural communities of the Isles of Shoals, Rye, New Hampshire and Kittery, MaineRhodora 110: 245-295.

Passino, K.M., T.D. Seeley, and P.K. Visscher. 2008. Swarm cognition in honey beesBehav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62: 401-414.

Rangel, J. and T.D. Seeley. 2008. The signals initiating the mass exodus of a honey bee swarm from its nestAnim. Behav. 76: 1943-1952.

Rittschof*, C.C. and T.D. Seeley. 2008. The buzz-run: how honey bees signal ‘Time to go!” Anim. Behav. 75: 179-187.

Schultz, K., K.M. Passino, and T.D. Seeley. 2008. The mechanism of flight guidance in honeybee swarms: subtle guides or streaker bees? J. Exp. Biol. 211: 3287-3295.

Seeley, T.D. and P.K. Visscher. 2008. Sensory coding of nest-site value in honeybee swarmsJ. Exp. Biol. 211: 3691-3697.

Dijkstra, J., L. Harris and E. Westerman. 2007. The long-term distribution and ecology of four invasive colonial ascidians in the Gulf of MaineJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. and Ecol. 342: 61-68.

Ellis, J.C., M.J. Shulman, H. Jessop, R. Suomala*, S. Morris, V. Seng, M. Wagner, and K. Mach*.  2007. Impact of a few mammalian predators on breeding success in large colonies of Herring Gulls and Great Black-backed GullsWaterbirds. 30: 375-383.

Ellis, J.C., M.J. Shulman, M. Wood, J.D. Witman, S. Lozyniak*. 2007. Regulation of cross-ecosystem food webs by avian predators on New England rocky shoresEcology. 88: 853-863.

Visscher, P.K. and T.D. Seeley. 2007. Coordinating a group departure: who produces the piping signals on honeybee swarms? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61: 1615- 1621.

Wood, C.L.*, J.E. Byers, K. Cottingham, I. Altman, M. Donahue, and A. Blakeslee*. 2007. Parasites alter community structure. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 104: 9335-9339.

Beekman, M., R.L. *Fathke, and T.D. Seeley. 2006. How does an informed minority of scouts guide a honey bee swarm as it flies to its new home? Anim. Behav. 71: 161-171.

Carlson*, R.L, M.J. Shulman, J.C. Ellis.  2006.  Factors contributing to spatial heterogeneity in the abundance of the common periwinkle Littorina littorea (L.)  J. Mollus. Stud. 72: 149-156. (SML Contribution 124)

Eastwood, M.M., M.J. Donahue and A.E Fowler. 2006. Reconstructing past biological invasions: niche shifts in response to invasive predators and competitorsBiological Invasions, 9: 397–407.

Ellis, J.C., J.M. Fariña, and J.D. Witman. 2006.  Nutrient transfer from sea to land: the case of gulls and cormorants in the Gulf of Maine.  J. Anim. Ecol. 75: 65-574.

Ellis, J.C. and T.P. Good. 2006.  Nest attributes, aggression, and breeding success of gulls in single and mixed-species subcolonies.  The Condor. 108: 211-219.

Fischer, E., A. Pszenny, W. Keene, J. Maben, A. Smith, A. Stohl, and R. Talbot. 2006. Nitric acid phase partitioning and cycling in the New England coastal atmosphereJ. Geophys. Res. 111, D23S09, doi:10.1029/2006JD007328. (SML Contribution 126)

Jones, P.L. and M.J. Shulman. 2006. Subtidal-intertidal trophic links:  American lobsters [Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards)] forage in the intertidal zone on nocturnal high tidesJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 361: 98-103.

Morris, S. R., A. M. Larracuente, K. M. Covino*, M. S. Mustillo, K. E. Mattern, D. A. Liebner, and H. D. Sheets.  2006.  Utility of open population models: Limitations posed by parameter estimability in the study of migratory stopover.  Wilson J. Ornithol. 118: 513-526. (SML Contribution 127)

Passino, K. and T.D. Seeley. 2006. Modeling and analysis of nest-site selection by honey bee swarms: the speed and accuracy trade-offBehav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 59: 427-442.

Seeley, T.D., P.K. Visscher, and K.M. Passino. 2006. Group decision making in honey bee swarmsAmer. Sci. 94: 220-229.

Ellis, J.C., W. Chen*, B. O'Keefe*, M.J. Shulman, J.D. Witman. 2005. Gull predation on crabs in the rocky intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of coastal New EnglandJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 324: 31-43. (SML Contribution 120)

Morris, S. R., D. A. Liebner, A. M. Larracuente, E. M. Escamilla, and H. D. Sheets.  2005.  Multiple-day constancy as an alternative to pooling for estimating mark-recapture stopover length in Nearctic-Neotropical migrant landbirds.  Auk 122: 319-328.  (SML Contribution 117)

Morris, S. R., E. M. Turner, D. A. Liebner, A. M. Larracuente, and H. D. Sheets.  2005.  Problems associated with pooling mark-recapture data prior to estimating stopover length for migratory passerines. Pages 673-679 in Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proc. Third Inter Partners in Flight Conference 2002 (C.J. Ralph and T.D. Rich, eds.). U.S.D.A. Forest Service, PSW-GTR-191, Albany, CA. (SML Contribution 109)

Sive, B. C., Y. Zhou, D. Troop, Y. Wang, W. C. Little, O. W. Wingenter, R. S. Russo, R. K. Varner, and R. Talbot. 2005. Development of a cryogen-free concentration system for measurements of volatile organic compounds, Anal. Chem. 77: 6989-6998,10.1021/ac0506231. (SML Contribution 122)

Stefaniak*, L.M., J. McAtee and M.J. Shulman. 2005. The costs of being bored: effects of a clionid sponge on the gastropod Littorina littorea.  J. Exp. Mar. BiolEcol. 327: 103-114.  (SML Contribution 121)

Cully, S.M.* and T.D. Seeley. 2004. Self-assemblage formation in a social insect: the protective curtain of a honey bee swarmInsectes Sociaux 51: 317-324.

Novak, M.* 2004. Diurnal activity in a group of Gulf of Maine decapodsCrustaceana 77(Part 5): 603-620. (SML Contribution 118)

Rome, M.S.* and J.C. Ellis. 2004. Foraging ecology and interactions between Herring Gulls and Great Black-backed Gulls in New EnglandWaterbirds. 27: 200-210. (SML Contribution 119)

Seeley, T.D. and P.K. Visscher. 2004. Group decision making in nest-site selection by honey beesApidologie 35: 1-16.

Seeley, T.D. and P.K. Visscher. 2004. Quorum sensing during nest-site selection by honeybee swarmsBehav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 56: 594-601.

Apprill*, A.M.  and M.P. Lesser. 2003. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on Laminaria saccharina in relation to depth and tidal height in the Gulf of MaineMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 256: 75-85. (SML Contribution 108)

Byrnes*, J. and J. Witman. 2003. Impact assessment of an invasive flatworm, Convoluta convoluta, in the southern Gulf of MaineJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 293: 173-191. (SML Contribution 132)

Morris, S. R., A. J. Donovan, and S. M. Agugliaro. 2003. Accuracy of sex determination of hatch-year Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) during the fallN. Amer. Bird Bander  28: 105-110. (SML Contribution 102)

Morris, S. R., C. R. Pusateri and K. A. Battaglia.  2003.  Spring migration and stopover ecology of Common Yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) on Appledore Island, MaineWilson Bull. 115: 64-72. (SML Contribution 110)

Seeley, T.D. and P.K. Visscher. 2003. Choosing a home: how the scouts in a honey bee swarm perceive the completion of their group decision making. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 54: 511-520.

Britton, N.F., S.C. Pratt, N.R. Franks, and T.D. Seeley. 2002. Deciding on a new home: how do honey-bees agree? Proc. R. Soc. Lon. B 269: 1383-1388.

Flesher, D. and F.H. Martini. 2002. Lampreys, Pages 16-19 in Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine, 3rd Edition. (B.B. Collette and G. Klein-MacPhee, eds.) Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, D. C.

Levin, P.S., J.A. Coyer, R. Petrik, and T.P. Good. 2002. Community-wide effects of non-indigenous species on temperate rocky reefsEcology. 83: 3182-3193. (SML Contribution 104)

Martini, F.H. and D. Flescher. 2002. Hagfishes, Pages 9-16 in Bigelow and Schroeder, Fishes of the Gulf of Maine, 3rd Edition. (B.B. Collette and G. Klein-MacPhee, eds.) Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, D. C.

Wheeler, A.G. Jr. 2002. Chilacis typhae (Perrin) and Holcocranum saturejae (Kolenati) (Hemiptera: Lygaeoidea: Artheneidae): Updated North American distributions of two palearctic cattail bugs. 2002. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 104: 24-32.

Gellin, C. E. and S. R. Morris. 2001. Patterns of movement during passerine migration on an island stopover siteNortheast. Nat. 8: 253-266. (SML Contribution 107)

Morris, S.R. and J. Glasgow. 2001. Spring and fall migration of American Redstarts on Appledore Island, MaineWilson Bull. 113: 202-210. (SML Contribution 106)

Seeley, T.D. and S.C. Buhrman. 2001. Nest-site selection in honey bees: How well do swarm implement the "best-of-N" decision rule? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 49: 416-427. (SML Contribution 105)

Morris, S.R., and M.T. Bradley. 2000. Is tail feather shape a reliable indicator of age in warblers and thrushes? N. Amer. Bird Bander  25: 125-131. (SML Contribution 102)

Genovese, S.J and J.D. Witman 1999. Interactive effects of flow speed and particle concentration on growth rates of an active suspension feederLimnol. Oceanogr. 44: 1120-1131. (SML Contribution 101)

Rivest, B., J. Coyer and S. Tyler. 1999. The first known invasion of a free-living marine flatwormBiol. Invasions 1: 393-394. (SML Contribution 100)

Weidenmiller, A., and T.D. Seeley. 1999. Imprecision in the waggle dances of honey bees for nearby food sources: Error or adaptation? Behav. Ecol. and Sociobiol. 46: 190-199. (SML Contribution 103)

Martini, F. H. 1998. The Ecology of Hagfishes, in The Biology of Hagfishes, J. M. Joergenson ed., Chapman and Hall Pubs., London, pp: 57-77.

Martini, F.H. 1998. Secrets of the Slime Hagfish. Sci. Amer. (October 1998) 228: 44-49.

Martini, F.H., J.B. Heiser, and M.P. Lesser. 1998. A population profile for Atlantic Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa l., in the Gulf of Maine, part 2: Morphological variation in populations of Myxine glutinosa l. in the North Atlantic oceanFish. Bull. 96: 516-514.

Levin, P.S., W. Chiasson, J.M. Green. 1997. Geographic differences in recruitment and population structure of a temperate reef fishMar. Ecol. Pro. Ser. 161: 23-35.

Martini, F., J.B. Heiser, and M.P. Lesser. 1997. Ecology of the Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa l., in the Gulf of Maine II: Potential impact on benthic communities and commercial fisheriesJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 214: 97-106

Lesser, M.P., E.H. Martini, and J.B. Heiser. 1996. Ecology of the Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa l., in the Gulf of Maine I: Metabolic rates and energeticsJ. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 208: 215-225.

Levin, P.S. 1996. Recruitment in a temperate demersal fish: Does larval supply matter? Limnol. Oceanogr. 41: 672-679.

Martini, F.H., J.B. Heiser, and M.P. Lesser. 1996. A population profile for Atlantic Hagfish, Myxine glutinosa l., in the Gulf of Maine, part 1: Morphometrics and reproductive state. Fish. Bull. 95: 311-320.

Morris, S.R. 1996. Mass loss and probability of stopover by migrant warblers during spring and fall migrationJ. Field Ornithol. 67: 456-462.

Morris, S.R., D.W. Holmes, and M.E. Richmond. 1996. A ten-year study of the stopover patterns of migratory passerines during fall migration on Appledore Island, MaineThe Condor. 98: 395-409.

Smith, R.P., Jr., P.W. Rand, E. H. Lacombe, S.R. Morris, D.W. Holmes, and D.A. Caporale. 1996. Role of bird migration in the long distance dispersal of Ixodes dammini, the vector of lyme diseaseJ. Infect. Dis. 174: 221-224. (SML Contribution 133).

Levin, P.S. 1994. Small-scale recruitment variation in a temperate fish: the roles of macrophytes and food supplyEnviron. Biol. Fish. 40: 271-281.

Levin, P.S. 1994. Fine-scale variation in recruitment of a temperate demersal fish: the importance of settlement versus post-settlement lossOecologia. 97: 124-133.

Morris, S.R., M.E. Richmond, and D.W. Holmes. 1994. Patterns of stopover by warblers during spring and fall migration on Appledore Island, MaineWilson Bull. 106: 703-718.

Factor, J.R., and B.L. Dexter. 1993. Suspension feeding in larval crabs (Carcinus maenas)J.  Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K. 73: 207-211.

Levin, P.S. 1993. Habitat structure, conspecific presence and spatial variation in the recruitment of a temperate reef fishOecologia 94: 176-185.

Witman, J.D., and K.P. Sebens. 1992. Regional variation in fish predation intensity: a historical perspective in the Gulf of MaineOecologia 90: 305-315.

Kingsbury, J.M.  1991. Here’s How We’ll Do It: An Informal History of the Construction of the Shoals Marine Laboratory, Appledore Island, Maine. Bullbrier Press, Ithaca, NY. 364 pp.

Levin, P.S. and A.C. Mathieson 1991. Variation in a host-epiphyte relationship along a wave exposure gradientMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 77: 271-278.

Witman, J.D. 1987. Subtidal coexistance: storms, grazing, mutualism, and the zonation of kelps and musselsEcol. Monogr. 57: 167-187.

Seeley, R. H. 1986. Intense natural selection caused a rapid morphological transition in a living marine snailProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83: 6897-6901.

Witman, J.D. 1985. Refuges, biological disturbance, and rocky subtidal community structure in New EnglandEcol. Monogr. 55: 421-445.

Seeley, T.D. 1983. Division of labor between scouts and recruits in honeybee foragingBehav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 12: 253-259.

Seeley, T.D. 1982. How honeybees find a home. Sci. Amer. 247: 158-168.

Boden, G.T. 1979. The effect of depth on summer growth of Laminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta, Laminariales)Phycologia 18: 405-408.

Seeley, T.D., R.A. Morse, and P.K. Visscher. 1979. The natural history of the flight of honey bee swarmsPsyche 86: 103-113.

Gowen, A.G. and H.F. Mulligan. 1978.  A Photographic Guide to the Phytoplankton of the Coastal Waters, Gulf of Maine. Shoals Marine Laboratory, Ithaca, NY. 164 pp.

Boden, G.T. 1977.  The Vascular Flora of Appledore Island. Shoals Marine Laboratory, Ithaca, NY. 46 pp.

Fowler-Billings, Katharine. 1977. Geology of the Isles of Shoals. Published by the State of New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development. Concord, NH.

Seeley, T.D. 1977. Measurement of nest cavity volume by the honey bee (Apis mellifera)Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 2: 201-227.

Kingsbury, J.M. 1975. Oil and Water: The New Hampshire Story. Shoals Marine Laboratory, Ithaca, NY. 102 pp.

Undergraduate Honors Theses resulting from SML REU and RIFS Research

Brown, E. 2001. The role of food availability in determining the distribution and abundance of the sea star (Asterias vulgaris) and the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis). Honor’s Thesis. Brown University.

Byrnes, J. 2001. The potential impact of an invasive acoel, Convoluta convoluta, in the Gulf of Maine. Honor’s Thesis. Brown University.

Chen, W. 2001. Avian predation in the intertidal: Impact of the Great Black-backed Gull, Larus marinus (Linnaeus), on crab abundance. Honor’s Thesis. Cornell University.

Kim, A. 2001. Encapsulation as protection from ultraviolet radiation for larval stages of the intertidal gastropod, Nucella lapillus. Honor’s Thesis. Smith College.

Kraft, N. 2001. The role of decapod predation in limiting the lower distribution of the intertidal snail Littorina littorea in the Gulf of Maine. Honor’s Thesis. Brown University.

Masters Theses & Ph.D. Dissertations

Simonis, J. 2012. (Cornell University) Ph.D. Dissertation

Burbidge, S. 2008. (Antioch New England) Thesis, Master of Science. Nest-site Selection and Response to Habitat Manipulation by Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) on Seavey Island, New Hampshire.

Morris, S.R. 1996. (Cornell University) Ph.D. Dissertation. The migration and stopover ecology of neotropical migrants on Appledore Island, Maine.

Morris, S.R. 1993. (Cornell University) Thesis, Master of Science. Patterns of stopover migratory passerines on Appledore Island, Maine: An analyses of banding records from 1983-1991.

Lyman, E. G. 1988. (UNH) Thesis, Master of Science. A Comparison of Island and Mainland Populations of the Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus.

Doherty, K  1986. (UNH) Thesis, Master of Science. An evaluation of secondary wastewater treatment alternatives for saline domestic wastewater.

Montagnes, D. 1986. (UNH) The annual cycle of planktonic ciliates in the waters surrounding the Isles of Shoals, Gulf of Maine: Estimates of biomass and production.

McGill-Harelstad, P. A. 1985. (Cornell University)  Ph.D. Dissertation. Mechanisms and Consequences of Interspecific Interactions among Gulls. 113 pp.

Weeks, H.J. 1985. (Cornell University)  Ph.D. Dissertation. Ecology of the Three Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus): Reproduction in rocky tidepools.

Lewis, S.J. 1982. (Cornell University) Ph.D. Dissertation. Effects of oil on avian productivity and population dynamics. 172 pp.

Boden, G.T. (Cornell University) 1977. Thesis, Master of Science. Some aspects of the ecology and growth of the brown seaweeds (Laminaria spp., Agarum spp., and Alaria spp.) in the Southern Gulf of Maine.

McGill, P.A. 1977. (Cornell University) Thesis, Master of Science. Breeding Ecology and Competition between Great Black-backed and Herring Gulls. 88 pages.

Kinner, Nancy 1976. (UNH) Thesis, Master of Science. An evaluation of the treatment of saline domestic wastewater using rotating biological contactor.

Martini, R.F. 1975. (Cornell University) PhD dissertation. Product development and nutritional evaluation of underutilized species of sharks.