Undergraduate Research Opportunities


Shoals Undergraduate Research Group (SURG)

Shoals Marine Laboratory's SURG Program is specifically designed for undergraduate college students over the summer break. Undergraduate researchers work directly with faculty mentors and SML scientists to conduct research experiments and projects, combining new areas of discovery with ongoing, long-term monitoring. SURG provides invaluable experience and helps students develop skills that will increase their marketability when it's time to apply to graduate school or pursue your career aspirations.

SML provides room & board, stipend, and roundtrip boat transportation to and from Appledore Island for all SURG members, unless otherwise specified. Programs vary from 3-10 weeks in length, and cover a wide variety of disciplines – from biological research, to science education, to sustainable engineering. SML's SURG program evolves each year (some offerings are contingent upon funding or the availability of specific mentors). Please use the buttons below to learn more about each research opportunity offered this summer. You will only be considered for one internship per year.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or 603-862-5346.


gannet flying over water

Seabird Ecology & Conservation

two students exploring the intertidal zone

Intertidal Ecology

lobster among green algae

Sustainable Lobster Bait

Click for more information

This internship is full for 2024.

muskrat captured in a have a heart trap for research


This internship is full for 2024.

two people working on a solar panel

Sustainable Engineering Fellow

students on a fishing boat

Fisheries Science

Click for more information

This internship will not be offered in 2024.

student at computer with period table

Sustainability Communication

Click for more information

This internship will not be offered in 2024.

baby gull in hand

Gull Population Biology

Click for more information

This internship will not be offered in 2024.

Shoals Undergraduate Research Group Manual

All SML undergraduate researchers must read and familiarize themselves with the SURG Manual

SURG Manual 2024


Research Apprenticeship

Interested in our research programs, but feel as though you need some more experience? The Shoals Research Apprenticeship is a two-part, four-week program aimed at providing you with the opportunity to learn the ins & outs of independent biological field research. This program prepares you to be a competitive applicant for SURG and other research opportunities, like NSF REU programs, which often seek students who have previous research experience. Build your resume/CV this summer! Make this the summer you become a scientist!